International Conference Scientific and methodological foundations of psychological assistance and interdisciplinary support in resocialization, rehabilitation and readaptation


We invite you to take part in the International Scientific Conference "Scientific and methodological foundations of psychological assistance and interdisciplinary support in resocialization, rehabilitation and readaptation", 29-30 October 2024 in Moscow on the eve of the 270th anniversary of Lomonosov Moscow University.

The International Scientific Conference "Scientific and methodological foundations of psychological assistance and interdisciplinary support in resocialization, rehabilitation and readaptation" is held to consolidate practical specialists and researchers in the field of psychological, pedagogical, social, medical and law enforcement of resocialisation and psychological assistance in order to develop scientific bases for innovative strategies, technologies and methods of complex medical-psychological and interdisciplinary rehabilitation, psychological assistance, social support for participants in military conflicts, members of their families and children, including those returned from conflict zones for the effective integration of the individual into society, the strengthening of resilience and the achievement of personal well-being, the self-actualisation, moral development, and the development of a responsible civil Russian identity.

As a result of the conference, the resolution of the first International Conference with the participation of leading experts on the development of scientific foundations of innovative strategies, technologies and methods of complex medical-psychological and interdisciplinary rehabilitation, readaptation, re-socialisation, psychological assistance to participants war conflicts, members of their families and other affected categories of population will be approved, including scientific and practical recommendations for specialists and proposals for federal and municipal branches of government.

Federal Scientific Center for Psychological and Interdisciplinary Research

Federal Scientific Center for Psychological and Interdisciplinary Research
Psychology Department of the Lomonosov MSU

Psychology Department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University