International Conference Scientific and methodological foundations of psychological assistance and interdisciplinary support in resocialization, rehabilitation and readaptation


Main areas of the conference

  1. Philosophical and theoretical-methodological foundations of interdisciplinary scientific understanding of the extreme existence of modern people in the context of war conflicts and the transforming multipolar world in the diversity of psychological, social, medical, economic, ethno-cultural, spiritual, moral and other challenges, risks and prospects for their integrated solution.
  2. Development of scientific bases of effective technologies with inclusion of innovative modules of complex medical-psychological and interdisciplinary rehabilitation, habilitation, re-socialisation and re-adaptation of veterans and combatants, members of their families and other affected categories of population.
  3. Diagnosis, monitoring, screening of the multispectrum of life problems and post-traumatic health of war conflicts participants, their families, children and other affected persons, including the phenomena of post-traumatic resilience, post-traumatic growth and post-traumatic devaluation.
  4. Personalisation of care in the context of military activities, roles and functions; broad age range, life and professional experience; motivation and personal and civic attitudes
  5. Differentiation and specification of support practices for different population groups in need of assistance: bereavement and grief; disabled people and their family members; family members of deceased combatants; combatants returning from captivity and their family members, including families of missing persons; mothers and wives of combatants; children of combatants and those in/returned from combat zones; forced migrants
  6. Risks and threats of unlawful, deviant, antisocial, aggressive behaviour associated with the traumatic distress of war, as well as with a special contingent of participants from the penitentiary system
  7. The specifics of psychological work with the problems of prisoners of war, victims of violence and destruction and members of their families, including practices of work with the transformation of the basic value and meaning structures of the world picture
  8. Psychological support of physical recovery, restoration and compensation of impaired functions, including prosthetics of the injured
  9. Development of integrated network models of psychological service models to help veterans and their family members to overcome disadvantage, provide socio-psychological support, strengthen the well-being and resilience of the individual, spiritual and moral development and growth of the individual, formation of Russian civil identity for the implementation of self-care and care for the other.
  10. Modern technologies in the psychological help and resocialisation: biofeedback technologies, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, neural networks, gamification
  11. Effective technologies of psychological support of activity of representatives of helping professions, information services, volunteer organizations and others in the conditions of war conflicts
  12. Resocialisation practices of citizens of the new territories for their effective social integration into society and creative self-actualization of the individual

Federal Scientific Center for Psychological and Interdisciplinary Research

Federal Scientific Center for Psychological and Interdisciplinary Research
Psychology Department of the Lomonosov MSU

Psychology Department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University